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Top 10 Hotels in Madurai

Popular Accommodation Types in Madurai

Fri, 28 Mar - Sat, 29 Mar


Surrounded by the towering gopurams at the Meenakshi Temple complex, the Hindu pilgrimage site quenches a spiritual thirst within, as you immerse yourself in the sapient aura that envelopes Madurai. The city itself, structured upon quadrangles and prakarams featuring ancient temples and memorials alongside commercial and residential estates, embodies Madurai’s devotion to long-standing tradition, while Puthu Mandapam’s vibrant market is as lively as the Hindu epics that decorate its interior. recently found 284 hotels in Madurai, India. Find a range of accommodation in Madurai at great prices. Book luxury Madurai hotels or find last minute accommodation. Save more on cheap hotels in Madurai with affordable room rates.

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